Fish for Cats - iPad game for cats

3d iPad fishing game for cats

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iTunes Store: Customer Reviews
I don’t hate a cat, but I love it
Nov 27, 2023 ★★★★★ SirAlienGaming
Like I said I don’t have a cat, but a love it. Probably because I have a obsession with fish. I love the realistic water physics. The fish look cool and shiny. I just love how the game looks. The only thing I don’t understand is how there are so much fish in the cover, if there is a way please tell me, but if there isn’t please add a way we’re you could choose how much fish you want, that would be awesome.
Kittens I love it
Jul 08, 2023Hgfffghdty6
Only kittens
No…just no
Dec 10, 2022Phee🦩
My cat at first looked really playful, exited, and happy. So then i got him this app. At first he was just staring, so I tried too show him how to and taped on one of the fish I thought it would just disappear and spawn in a new one but NO it just changed color it wouldn’t even do anything for cats! Just humans :( because cats can only see bright violet so no cats even know the difference when they tap them. And he just yawned, got up, walked a few feet away, and FELL ASLEEP. I deleted the app right after that. Super lame and would NOT recommend 😾😾😾
It’s a pretty good game…
Dec 23, 2021 ★★★★★ sammycake14
My kitten love this game a lot, but she wants to bite and eat the fish. She gets so confused because the fish look 3D😿 She attacks the speaker sometimes too
My kitten loves it!
Jul 15, 2021 ★★★★★ Cyndiver
My 6 week old kitten loves it. Wish I could post the video of him playing. It’s a good way to distract him from “helping” me when I’m writing!
Black screen
Dec 18, 2019YoullThankMeLater
I'm running iOS 9.3. Details say it should be compatible with iOS 8.2 & up but the game wont load 😿
Bad graphics
Sep 15, 2019 ★★ briannel64
The graphics are bad and my cat isn’t entertained lol
Nice but...
Jul 16, 2019 ★★★ Bjeans
Only app that loads upside down on my iPad. Too easy for our cat to mistakenly close it.
Jul 06, 2019Alittlebitofhenry
I don’t know how an app this crappy made it into the app store
My cat didn’t pay attention to it
Feb 09, 2019 ★★ purrrrrrsan
My cat didn’t like it that much and the only thing she was interested in was the treats I used to try to bribe her to play with the app I think the fish blend in to much with the background cuz neptune, my cat didn’t know anything was there
Oct 25, 2018 ★★★★★ chemobabe
One of my cats is not at all interested. Yogi however, absolutely loves it. I am writing this review from my phone because he is leaning on my IPad. He tried the app for the first time this week and loves to fish! He cries for the game when I don’t have it on. Yesterday I was taking a test and he kept swiping at the iPad and searching for fish on the screen. I have created a monster. I need to limit his screen time and try to use the iPad when he is in another room because I apparently am a crazy cat mom
Too much background
Sep 17, 2018Chasmoe Brown
Our cats LOVE the mice iPad games, so much so that I can’t open my iPad when they’re around or I don’t get use it, so I know they love these games. But not this one. They look, but not for long. They don’t seem to be to distinguish the fish from that “grotto” background. I’ll wait for an update and try again.
Sep 11, 2018 ★★★★ Claire Live
Is this game for cats or humans? So confused but a good app none the less
Too loud
May 20, 2018Nerdy_traveler
My cat jumped every time that the game made noise. I tried turning the volume down and he still twitched, then he eventually just ran away from the game! I will be removing this game from my phone.
May 06, 2018KATLOVER🐱🐱🐱
Not good! First of all, the fish are way to dum, and the fish just run into each other and go swim in places where you can’t see them. I don’t think the fish should change colors because it would just freak the cat out. Lastly, my cat wasn’t amused he just sat there and watched the fish for a minute then walked away. I'd love it if you would fix these ifs.
My cat loves this!
Oct 14, 2017 ★★★★★ BrunerMA
After trying other apps, this and Mouse for cats are my cats and my favorites. I will sit in my recliner, start the app, and rest the iPad on my stomach and my cat will hop in my lap, settle in and start pawing at the screen trying to catch those fish. I love the bonding time and she’s so engaged by it, any time I have my iPad in my hands, she thinks it’s time to play. My one request would be a toggle function that disables the iPad going to sleep, or extends the sleep timeout for a configurable duration.
Aug 09, 2019 ★★★★ Rak98
I didn’t think my cat was playful (adult rescue) but after watching the screen for a little while he started going after the fish with his paws and his mouth.
This is the most dumbest game ever
Oct 29, 2018spacegirl64
This was going to be a good game for my sister's kitten BUT.... When I tried to open the app guess what it kicked me out back to my main screen please fix it or I won't ever use it
Finally, yay!
Aug 18, 2018 ★★★★★ partypup42
Finally a game that my cat likes! He refused all others for some reason. This is a great app, and my cat loves playing it. He will stand by the iPad and meow till I get it out for him. I’m pretty sure he has an addiction. I seriously recommend this app to all cat owners!
Great app
Apr 28, 2018 ★★★★★ Rehntyouj
My kitten is eighteen weeks old. I put this in front of her yesterday and tried to show her what to do. It didn’t work. Today I just left my iPad on the floor with the game going. She inspected it by herself and started playing with it. She seems to love it. Highly recommended.
Sep 23, 2017 ★★★★★ Mama Kari
This game keeps my cat busy for ages. It is so good that when she sees my iPad she starts purring. When I take it away from her she still looks expectantly at the screen. This app is great because it doesn't have a timer and I can just leave my cat alone. My cat doesn't get to play much with timed ones do this is great. My cat loves it mostly because she has always loved computer games. My other cat does not like it only because she has never liked screen games. Don't write bad reviews just because your cat isn't a computer game loving cat. My cat loves this game!
It's for my mums cat 🐱 at home
Sep 15, 2017 ★★★★★ Smiffandsmiff
It's so detailed it almost looks real
Oct 01, 2022 ★★★★ Shnby
It’s good for some people because some other peoples cats might use it but my cat literally does not care but it is good lol
Aug 23, 2022 ★★★★★ EmilyIsTheBestIn2020
My cat absolutely loves this app! I put a screen protector on my tablet and he plays for hours :) thanks for creating this
Amazing for reindeer!
Dec 21, 2021 ★★★★★ vycufgfcgmhdgh
My pet reindeer are in love with this game ❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jan 22, 2020 ★★★★★ qwernf
Very good my cat loves it! You could add a bit more fish though because there are not that many
Jan 18, 2020 ★★★★★ Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjjj
Keeps freezing my phone.
Jan 31, 2018 ★★★★★ Olivia.Bryant
My cat LOVES this game. Literally plays it for hours. The fish can float off screen and so many times they float off and never come back! Can this be fixed?
Aug 08, 2017 ★★★★ The mushroomator
My dog loves this app
Jan 02, 2018 ★★★★★ Доминика🌺🌸
Моя кошка взяла и начала лазить в моём телефоне и я очень удивилась что на её лапку реагирует телефон . Вот я и решила скачать для неё игру. ПУСТЬ ИГРАЕТ!
Sep 27, 2021 ★★★★★ TeamVista
My kitten had a bit of fun poking the fish. :)
Feb 09, 2019Cats are the best!!!!
How is that supposed to attract cats maybe add sound because that actually might get their attention
Nov 09, 2018Wilson2331
My cat was totally uninterested.
Too slow
Aug 16, 2016 ★★ Jazz Man58
Fish move too slow and are too small. My cat was just not interested.